Blog, Stylist 101

My New Client Approach

big gold hoop earrings and black jumpsuit

December 1, 2021

I’m Abby!.
I'm a certified & published fashion stylist located in Silicon Valley with speciality in personal styling, color analysis and runway, commercial, and editorial styling.

Recently, I have been asked what my new client approach is. I was also specifically asked, “When you meet someone or you’re getting to know a new client, what is the way you approach dressing them?”

I will touch on these questions in this post. 

When I meet or begin to work with a new client, I like to take a gentle approach while listening to their needs. I do not know what their background is yet, what their current or previous approach to fashion was, or what clothing experiences they have had in the past, whether good or bad. I find it extremely important to meet my client where they are at in order for me to fully understand them and their current wardrobe needs; only then can I help guide them get where they want to go.

Online makeup tutorial about best colors

During an initial consultation I like to find out information related to their current career, lifestyle, goals, hobbies, and activities so I can better understand who they are and what they like to do. I ask my new clients to describe to me what they think they need help with. This helps me learn where they are currently at and where they want to go. I also ask my clients to describe or show me any fashion style inspiration they have, their favorite clothing stores or designers, and favorite types of clothing or colors. I like to get a firm basis on their current wardrobe foundation. It is also really important to find out what they don’t like. For example: types of clothing, styles, trends, colors, combinations, or any physical needs they have. 

Learning about the best colors to wear

After the initial consultation, I like to schedule a silhouette and color analysis with them. The silhouette analysis is a seamless process that takes no more than 10 minutes and consists of basic measurements. Based on my client’s measurements, I am able to analyze their silhouette and recommend types of clothing that will look best on them. This process is also very helpful to me because it paints a clear picture of what their unique body shape is which later helps me when I personally shop for them. The color analysis is a 45 minute process which involves Italian color drapes and my skillful eye 😉 I decipher which colors bring out their natural glow and which colors wash them out. They receive a detailed report with colors they can easily screenshot on their phone or computer for future reference. 

Organized shoe closet

Once I know and understand my client’s silhouette and best colors, we conduct a closet edit which helps me further understand what their current wardrobe situation is and what they need. I support my clients as we go through their closet together; creating piles of clothes to either keep, try on (because we are unsure about them), or donate/sell.

Picking out clothes from wardrobe

Finally, it is time to shop! When I shop, I take everything I have learned about them into consideration; their lifestyle, wardrobe needs and wants, style inspiration, dislikes, best colors and silhouette. While I am shopping for them in the now; the present, I also make sure to shop for where they want to go; the future. I think about their goals and dreams. The phrase “Dress for the job you want; not for the one you have” is always in the back of my mind. I want my clients to achieve and reach their goals and dreams. By dressing a certain way, it is possible to achieve those goals! Check out my latest post about confidence here.

Schedule your consultation today or email me with questions on how to get started!


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