For our clients' convenience, we purchase everything up front. Any special discounts and offers based on our brand relationships are extended to our clients. All items are purchased and sold at retail price: we do not upcharge for any retail goods. During your fitting, we will provide you with tentative clothing total. After your fitting, you will receive your invoice along with a Personal Shopping Summary, detailing all clothing, shoes, and accessories kept, along with their brands and sizes, as well as any applicable shipping and returns postage.
With our full-service shopping and styling services, your days of returning items one by one at the mall and mail centers, and tracking returns on your credit card are long gone. After your fitting, we take care of all returns and exchanges, and make arrangements for your tailoring and cobbling needs. Your exchanged, tailored, and cobbled items will be either shipped directly to you or hand-delivered once they're completed.
Follow AYS through a fitting to learn more about the service here!
Here at Abby Young Styling, we take pride in shopping from an extensive index of online and in-person stores to provide you with the best possible options. We stop at nothing to source the best styles across multiple brands and stores to find the perfect fit.
You're welcome to join us while shopping in-person, but most of our clients leave it to us to take care of everything. We understand that you might have a busy schedule, and we're here to provide the ultimate done-for-you shopping experience!
Abby Young Styling is based in the heart of Silicon Valley in Los Altos Hills, California. We serve clients throughout California, and across the U.S. in Washington, Arizona, New York, and Florida, as well as internationally.
Depending on your wardrobe needs, we'll recommend one of two personal shopping services. The New Client Collection is made for someone in the process of transformation (such as career changes, post-maternity, relocation, maturing tastes, and body changes), and needs a complete wardrobe overhaul to address their fundamental basics, lifestyle, work attire, and any special event styling. The New Client Collection is all-encompassing, and provides you with any clothing, shoes, accessories, and jewelry needs.
Alternatively, a Shopping Touch-Up is made for someone who doesn't need a complete wardrobe overhaul, but would like to fill in missing gaps in their closet. Similar to the New Client Collection, we may shop for clothing, shoes, accessories, and jewelry as needed.
No matter what your style preferences are, whether it be towards a capsule wardrobe or a closet full of statement pieces, both services will provide you with everything you need.
Both services are provided over the course of three to four weeks, from your initial Style Consultation + Closet Edit appointment to your final clothes fitting. To learn more about the closet-editing process, check out our video here!
We want to give you the best of the best; we ask that you give us at least a week and a half's notice to have your Shoppable Lookbook ready and delivered to you via email.
Our clientele spans a variety of demographics, age ranges, physical and lifestyle needs. We work with entrepreneurs, C-Suite executives, celebrities, and clothing and lifestyle-driven brands. They range anywhere between 30 to 65 years old, but we've found that the desire to transform and elevate your image has no set age.
Abby Young leads a team of Color Analysis experts, and is certified by the Fashion Stylist Institute and Condé Nast College. We perform our Color Analysis using Italian color drapes to test all four seasons, and armocromia color frames to determine your undertones, contrast, and intensity. Color Analysis is a 30 minute process, with your digital Color Profile (consisting of your best colors and colors to avoid) sent to you within a week and a half after your appointment.
Contrary to traditional Color Analysis ,which limits you to one season, we understand that undertones are not mutually exclusive, and that with age, loss of pigmentation can occur, which means that your best colors are subject to change over time. While your results may reflect a more prominent season, we provide you with all of your best colors across all four seasons.
Find out why with our video here! Let's fashion your future.