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White and cream blazers

After two years without professional business photos, I knew it was time to hire a branding photographer for new photos. I had put it off long enough and knew it was time! Here are the top 10 things I learned from my own branding shoot: …

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Steam shirt in shower

A steamer is something I can’t live without. I use it when working on shoots & client’s clothes as well as my own clothes! For some reason, I never used a steamer until I launched my career as a stylist. Perhaps wrinkles didn’t bother me but now I have to use one! My trusty travel steamer is one of the things I have to bring with me whenever I go on vacation or short trips. I traveled recently and forgot my steamer; perhaps it’s because I didn’t need it, but my boyfriend did! Instead of asking the hotel concierge for a steamer or an iron, he steamed his shirt in the…

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Brown leather outfit

Selecting the right clothing texture to match your body shape and hair. Similarly to lines & patterns, textures can be used to shape shift or camouflage and create an illusion of body size. The texture’s scale that you wear should be in relation to your body size. Here are six things to consider when it comes to wearing texture. …

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Support slow fashion

5 things You can do to Support Slow Fashion …

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Fast vs. slow fashion

Fast vs. Slow Fashion has been a very popular topic the past two years as people spent less on clothes causing the top fashion brands to rethink how often they were going to show & produce new collections. Simply put, FAST FASHION clothing collections are pushed out every two weeks to 1 month. The idea that “new is better” exists because these brands push consumers in the pursuit of trends. These clothes are …

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black and white lines in clothing

Lines not only help reshape the body and help accent our best features, but they also can convey moods. Read more to find out what mood lines in your clothing is communicating?

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My question for you is,“What are we wearing?”

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