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Chakra tshirt and converse

Each of the seven chakras corresponds to a color. Jolene Hart, beauty and wellness expert and health coach, mentions in her book Ignite Your Light, “Just by bringing energy and consciousness to a specific chakra, you begin to support your health in that area.” She adds, “Because each chakra is associated with a color, finding the chakra or chakras that could use extra attention could inspire you to bring a certain color into your life through food, clothing, or other objects (66). As a stylist, I want to encourage you to…

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black pinstripe suit

Now why haven’t you ______ yet? What is stopping you? Are you still waiting or perhaps procrastinating? Have you thought about why you might be stuck or not moving forward? Are you lacking confidence, feeling too overwhelmed, unsure, scared, or embarrassed? Have you expressed any of the following statements lately? “I haven’t earned the bonus… yet” “I haven’t gotten the promotion… yet” “I haven’t talked to my boss… yet” “I haven’t made the career move… yet” “I haven’t started working out… yet” Overcome feeling stuck or frustrated by investing …

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White lace bralette and skirt

A number of brands and stores located in person and online have “in store stylists” or “personal shoppers.” While they may be helpful when shopping in that particular store, they are not Personal Stylists. So what’s the difference? Personal stylists are certified…

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Picking out clothes from wardrobe

Now, you may have never worked with a professional stylist or perhaps never even heard of the career; but once you work with one, you won’t want to do without. A stylist is someone who is a part of your personal team, they walk side by side with you during major life events and have your back even during trying times. You can think of a stylist in a similar light as your personal assistant, trainer, or even therapist….

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Different types of hats

When you look your best, you feel your best, which inspires confidence, and thus creates a positive 1st impression and positive perception of you. I have outlined some of the most common types of hats and what type of face shape they may look best on here…

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Jeffrey Campbell bejeweled mules

Shoes, shoes, shoes! So much shoe terminology! What is the real difference between slides, mules, flats, and loafers? They are all flat and slip on right? Slides are open back, they slip on, are open toe, and can be flat or with a heel. Mules are open back, they slip on, are closed toe, and can be flat or with a heel…

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This Style Guide provides wardrobe tips & recommendations for each occasion! The way you dress is important! It not only affects how you feel, but also how you show up, and how others perceive you!

My question for you is,“What are we wearing?”

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