Today’s topic is how to combine split-complementary colors!
What are Split-Complementary Colors?
Split-complementary colors are three colors; one base color and two colors adjacent to its complement. Some examples include:
- Red-orange, green & blue
- Orange, blue-green, & blue-violet
- Yellow-orange, blue, & violet
Benefit of Wearing Split-Complementary Colors
- They offer a high color contrast.
- If you have had a color analysis done and high contrasting colors and patterns look good on you, this would be a good color combination for you.
- These colors are best worn on high-contrast skin tones.
- Pastels are great in split-complementary combinations.
- Wear a contrasting color under your jacket or sweater to create a slimming effect.
- Color block with vertical lines to lengthen your body.
- Use for triangle shaped bodies.
How to Wear Split-Complementary Colors
- Grab your Style Profile and look at your best colors.
- Decide what color you feel like wearing today.
- Look at a color wheel, find the color you want to wear and its split-complementary colors.
- Pick out clothes and accessories in those colors.
- Remember, you can always pair neutrals with them too!
- Wear the clothes and have an awesome day!
Ready to level up your wardrobe with color but still want help styling your overall look? Contact me today for a complimentary consultation!