Fashion News, Style Tips

Posing Tips from a Brand Photographer: A Guest Blog

November 27, 2023

I’m Abby!.
I'm a certified & published fashion stylist located in Silicon Valley with speciality in personal styling, color analysis and runway, commercial, and editorial styling.

I’m Dana Gaydon, a brand and lifestyle photographer, with over two decades of experience capturing moments in beautiful Orange County, California.  I work with creative professionals to achieve an authentic, elevated self-image through the power of their photography. It’s not just about your photos; it’s about capturing a connection with your ideal audience. Together, we curate a modern, joyful brand story that resonates.

Ever found yourself in front of the camera wondering, “What on earth do I do with these hands?” or pleading, “Just give me some direction!” Fear not, because posing doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience. As a lifestyle and branding photographer, I’m here to help make it fun and easy!

Let’s dive into some tips to keep in mind for your upcoming lifestyle brand session:

Hold onto Your Story: Feeling a bit awkward? Grab onto something that resonates with your brand story. Whether it’s your phone or laptop, a captivating book, a stylish notebook, or even a cup of coffee – it’s not just a prop; it’s a narrative tool! Bonus tip: Hold that coffee mug, and suddenly you radiate warmth. Opt for champagne if you want to sprinkle some celebratory vibes into the mix. 

Find Your Best Angle: We all have a preferred side. Embrace yours! Let your photographer know which side you love, and then make it the star. Bring your forehead closer to the camera so your chin is angled slightly out and down. Lean into your best angle while sitting, standing, and looking over your shoulder. Lots of options! 

Speaking of angles, creating an S curve and triangles with your body is very flattering. Practice posing in front of a mirror and see what feels the best and most like you. 

Energy in Motion: 

Consider the vibe you want to project. Want to exude confidence? Channel your inner superhero with a power pose. Want to appear extra professional? Cross your arms. Movement and laughing are also great tools to get into poses that feel really natural.

And don’t underestimate good posture. Stand tall, elongate your neck, roll back those shoulders, and let yourself relax into the confident version of yourself.

For more information on how to uplevel your branding shoot, check out the top five do’s and don’ts when it comes to what you should wear to your branding shoot by certified fashion stylist, Abby on her blog post here.

This is your encouragement to book a brand shoot, get your posing down and put your best face forward. And if you’re looking for a photographer to feel comfortable in front of and you love getting compliments, I’m your gal! 

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